YAY I just got some awesome news. I got confirmation from the doctors that I am allowed to compete this year! "My heart is recovering and I just have to pay extra attention to how my body is feeling. I have to remember that it was a huge trauma for my heart in October and that recovery takes time. Why my heart rate has been so low again is most likely a response to the trauma/shock my body is still in. " The body is an amazing machine and I am forever thankful for everything my body is doing for me. Still going strong (at least trying!). I am nowhere close to the shape I was in before the World Championships in October… and it’s tough mentally. I’m slowly getting back to shape, but it has been a challenge for me to keep the motivation up since the accident. I guess it’s because I had been fighting so hard for 4 years and was in my best shape ever….. and then back to 0, just like that. One part of me is just super happy I can train something, while one part of me is feeling ”this sucks!” . To feel weak, heavy and out of shape is one of the worst feelings. But I try to see it as another great experience. And NOW when I got the green light from the doctors I can aim for the competitions this year. I really want to. BUT the question is if I would be ok with not being in my best shape at competition, if my body isn’t responding the way I want…? I should just do it for fun, but would it be fun to not be at my best? hmm... Competitions I*m thinking of.... Lappset Run Enköping 14th April ULTIMATE OCR TOUR : Ultimate OCR 28/4 European Championships 29th June-1st July (Berzerk 21/7 ) Mudlife OCR 28/7 Uppsala Survival Run 30/9 World Championships 19-21 October Are you competing this year?