How many times have you said "I'll start tomorrow" "I'll start next week.." "My NEW life starts on Monday"? "I'll NEVER eat fast food again...." .....And then something else comes in between and you keep saying this over and over again? 🙄😏 Do you recognize yourself? My question to you is, WHY wait? You live TODAY, and today is the best day to START👊 I am not saying you have to make a lifechange TODAY if you don't feel ready. I am happy if you just START with something.....small steps is better than no steps. Maybe you have to become better at seeing things positive: then your "start" today might be to write a list with 3 positive things in your life. Maybe you have to be better at give compliments to yourself and others... then that's a great START for you. Maybe you need to start activate your body? A walk is better than you might think! DO IT. Maybe you have to take better responsibility of your food intake? It can be either starting to eat less or more depending on YOU and your condition.... START to eat food with better quality? Maybe you are STRESSED and a person who worries about EVERYTHING? A good start for you can be meditation or maybe try yoga... let go of the things you can't control. Maybe you feel that you are in need of help/motivation and support to START ?? A GREAT start for you can be to contact a personal trainer, like me and see how I can help you? I want people to find a balance in they can live a healthier, happier and stronger life with QUALITY❤️ I am here to help you START.... and continue. Send me an email TODAY, why wait until tomorrow? 😏 read more on my website: Instagram: @breakitandyouwillmakeit