I've done it before, so I can do it again. Never give up. BREAK IT and you will MAKE IT. I think I am still a bit shocked that this have happened to me... A similar trauma that has put me in a tough situation, again. Life is not always easy... it is full of challenges and obstacles to overcome.How you deal with them, is up to you. Do you choose to say "Why me" or "Try Me" ??? 4,5 years ago I had an accident that changed my life completely. I got kicked off from a horse and landed on my neck, and broke it. They said it was a mircle I survived. No one knew how my future looked like, and how well I would be able to recover. An active life was just to forget about ( they said). I didn't listen. Being still the rest of my life was not an option. I knew I would recover. The way back has not been easy. It has been the worst 4 years of my life, but it has also given me some of my best moments. I have learned so much. I have grown. I have a better understanding. I see life from a different perspevtive and value things differently. I wouldn't be the person I am today without it. I can not say I am happy it happened, cause it has caused so much pain, harm and worry in mine and my family's lives. BUT I am happy it has formed me to the person I am today. Just a month ago I was saying I was stronger than I had ever been. I was the European Champion in a totally new sport and was on my way to the World Championships in Canada. I was so ready. And then it happens, the days before the competition am I going out for a walk with my friends horse... and a similar trauma as 4,5 years ago occurs... the horse got scared, pulls out of my hand and kicks. A direct hit with the both hooves right on my sternum (chest), BAAAAAM. I am flying backwards and land hard on the ground, roll around and then the pain hit me and I can't move, I am frozen on the ground, completely still on my knees.... and the only thing I can think is: "NOOOOO NOT AGAIN. It's over, No one break the neck 2 TIMES and survive. It's over, I am dead. " I was lucky, my neck didn't break this time, thanks to the strong muscles I had. But my heart got affected from the impact. it was critical and they said if I wouldn't have been training so much and in such good shape, my heart wouldn't have made it. (THANK YOU to the overactive person inside of me who makea me TRAIN so crazy much sometimes!!!) I am ok now, it's under control and I will recover. How do I know? Cause I believe I will. BREAK IT and you will MAKE IT. never give up @breakitandyouwillmakeit