What a successful day!🙌 More handstands to the world..... The feeling of helping people come closer to their goals is absolutely AMAZING. Another successful HandstandWorkshop today😄🙌 People who had never been able to (or dare to try) to do a handstand finished the session with doing handstands by themselves!!! Awesome achievements and a proud coach. I got goosebumps when I saw the joy and happiness in one of the girls eyes, when she did a handstand for the first time by herself and could hold it with control!Just because I had coached her HOW TO DO IT, what muscles to use and what to focus on. That feeling👌 I LOVE MY JOB! Thanks to Crossfit Uppsala for having me there today😄 Next week I'm doing it AGAIN! 12-13:00 Raw Training Center 15-16:00 Crossfit Uppsala Just a few spots left! Make sure you get one:Contact@breakitmakeit.se To share my passion is pure Happiness ❤️