I'm feeling like a new person. I seriously can't remember last time I was in this LITTLE pain!! I find it fascinating how good the human body is at dealing with pain. I have chronic pain, yes... but my body is adapting and dealing with it pretty well.(thanks to my positive mindset aswell)I am use to it and I am living my life anyway. I am not letting it stop me from doing what I love. Yes I am not able to do EVERYTHING I use to do (train at an elite level and compete) but I am still able to live an active life, which is more than I could ever dream of 4 years ago! .Life is not always fair. But it is up to every single one of us to deal with the challenges and difficult times life is giving us. It is up to every single one of us how to live our life.. I could have chosen to feel sorry for myself and give up. But I didn't. I choosed to fight, to get my active life back. Yes I have pain, but so does many other people out there. I choose to make the best of my life. I choose to focus on the positive things in my life instead of the negative. I choose to do what I can to handle the pain. I choose to live an active life and keep my body strong and healthy. I choose to prioritize treatments for my neck, to keep it under control. (That's what I did today!) There are people out there willing to help you. But it is up to you if you choose to take it or not.A massage therapist can help you reduce pain. A psychologist can help you overcome traumas or other problems you're dealing with, a dietitian can help you to eat better, a personal trainer like me can help you get stronger and healthier.... There are so much help to get out there, but it is up to you to take it. I see it as an investment. If there's help to get to come closer to my goal of becoming the best version of me, why not take it? I encourage you to think through your priorities.. If you say you don't have time for a pt-session or a massage once in a while.... think about what really matters. 💭 "Your body is the only place you have to live. Take care of it" #breakitandyouwillmakeit