The GOLDEN HOUR. This evening was GOLD. Every single moment was just perfect. Perfect location, perfect environment, perfect atmosphare, perfect (the best!) company, perfect service, perfect food, perfect vibe and energy, perfect mode..... just perfect! Super duper mega happy and thankful. And it made me realize once again how WONDERFUL life can be. It made me feel PROUD of myself, proud that I have chosen to live my life. Proud that I have chosen to be happy, proud that I have been fighting to get were I am today. Proud that I am here, proud that I made it. "We don't get anything for free in life, or without a reason..... we earn it. It's not only money we work hard to get. What we have in life is what we earn, what we have worked for.Even friendship is something we earn. If you are a good friend, you will get good friends. Happiness is something we earn.Success is something we earn. And so on." It is up to you how you live your life. How happy you CAN be, how fun you CAN have, how delicious food you CAN eat, how carrying and special friends you CAN get..... My advice is: BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE, and always aim for becoming better, stronger, more carrying..... Life will give you what you earn. 5 meal course, one of the most delicious dinner ever actually. this light show suring sunset was something very special. <3 #breakitandyouwillmakeit