TASMANIA DAY 3. Waking up in Bicheno. Early bird as I am I woke up before Ali and went out for a little walk. I went down to the beach and watched the sunrise while doing some stretching and a 10 minute workout. Super quick but enough to get the bloodflow going and endorphins pumping! (Made me once again think of all the people who blame "lack of time" for being the reason they DON'T workout... 10 minutes is all you need.Please blame something else instead.) We left around 7 and had a stop in SwanSea for coffee and breakfast! We had 3 hours drive ahead of us again (our end destination was Mona Museum of Old and New Art) but we had the same thought as yesterday... "No rush, be spontaneous and do what we feel like on the way". We had some really good stops actually!! The whole roadtrip becomes so much more exciting and enjoyable if you allow yourself to be spontaneous. It is good to have a plan amd a bit of a structure, but my advice to you is to give yourself some splace for other things to do on the way! We stopped in Richmond which is a really cute town with an old famous Bridge and ofcourse we needed to take photos. Coffee and snack again Waffle on a stick and coffeeeYUM! Next stop was even better. It was in the middle of Richmond and the Museum. A little organic fruit farm/restaurant with goats and chickens. We had a delicious lunch in the sun! Smoked salmon sallad And after we went FRUIT PICKING! Something I always wanted to do but never had. And YUM! Strawberries 🍓 We reached our final destination around 2 and had 4 hours in the Museum with 1 hour coffee and proteinbar break (IMPORTANT!) The museum is definitely an extra ordinary experience and something I will never forget. So weird, strange but cool. I really enjoyed it. And I learned some new really cool things. What I loved the most was the atmosphare of the whole area. Inside but mostely outside. The location is just like a dream or a movie. I could spend days walking around there. This fantastic day is not over yet. It gets (if possible) even better ... Our 5 meal course dinner and the GOLDEN Hour. More about this magic evening in another blog post #breakitandyouwillmakeit