Why is it so important to take time for recovery sessions.... ? There are many reasons why ( I think ) recovery sessions are extremely important to incorporate in your training plan... Our bodies goes through a lot. And need time to recover.We push them in so many ways. We push them at the gym because we want to get stronger.... we push them by stressing about everything we "have to do", we push them by not sleeping enough..... It is when we give ourself and our bodies time to rest and recover we become stronger. When we train in the gym for example we actually break down our muscles and our bodies.We create scars in the muscle fibers by pushing them the way we do in the gym.When we rest and eat the body repair the damage of the muscles and thats when they become stronger and bigger than before. If you skip the process of resting, your body doesn't get a fair chance to recover properly... this can result in muscle loss, weight loss and injuries. And all the hard work you put into your training is almost waste of time... atleast if your goal is to become stronger. So give yourself and your body time to REST and recover. I am not the best at resting (Because I have so much energy and I also LOVE training so much...), I have many times broken down my body instead of building it stronger..But everytime I learn. . And that's what life is about: learning. . I have the knowledge and the tools how to become stronger, bigger, faster... how to build muscles, how to gain weight and also how to loose weight..... I know what I have to do to reach my goals and I also know how to help my clients to achieve their goals. .Do you know what you have to do to achieve your goals? Or do you need help to get on track? A personal trainer can help you get started. Don't hesitate to contact me, Elin.harkonen@outlook.com #breakitandyouwillmakeit