HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!! I'm up in the clouds. Do you want to know why I am so happy? (even more than normal...) Cause I just got to know I am ranked nr.1 in AUSTRALIA for Crossfit open 2017 (scaled) !!!! And on top of that nr.9 in the whole world! ( I know everyone haven't register yet so this can change, but for now I am just going to enjoy the feeling of being nr.1 again..) I can't believe it. It's so cool. The feeling of overcoming things noone thought you could do is just AMAZING! I love it. Things like this always makes me think back to when the doctor told me to consider chass if I "really really needed to do any sport at all...." Chass... haha no way. 😅My body is build for moving. And so is yours. We are human beings and are meant to be physically active... we are built to run, hike, jump, lift, fight, and challenge our bodies. I am not saying you have to do crossfit or gymnastics like me... but to MOVE your body everyday is something I really encourage you to do. Find what you love doing and what works for you. Read my old blogpost about "find your type of training" and "find your trainingstyle" for more motivation💪😀 "Never let ANYONE tell you what you can or can not do... " #breakitandyouwillmakeit