What a honor to get a workout named after you!! Just the BEST farewell present. The "EL" WORKOUT for time: 100 m run 10 m handstand walk 10 T2B 10 burpee box jump (24/20inch) 200 m run 20 m handstand walk 20 T2B 20 burpee box jump (24/20inch) 300 m run 30 m handstand walk 30 T2B 30 burpee box jump (24/20inch) 400 m run 40 m handstand walk 40 T2B 40 burpee box jump (24/20inch) Thank you Josh, I think we all will remember this workout. Which I think was the goal... I wish everyone will remember me too 🙈 Will always have a big place in my heart.❤️ Crossfit The Stables ✨Definitely one of the places I will miss the most. @crossfitthestables The awesome workouts, the motivating atmosphere, all the AMAZING people I've got to know. And last but not least the support ❤️💪 😍 #thankful .Thank you for this year, I miss you already❤️ 💪 So much love #breakitandyouwillmakeit