Seriously?!How did this happen? I just got to know that I did qualify to the OCR World Championship in Canada later this year!! 😱 I can't find any words. What?! Really? Me? The little girl who just realized that running in mud, jumping over obstacles and hanging in rings are extremely fun!! I tried this challenging sport 2 months ago, when I just got back from Australia and I fell in LOVE. To do what the human body is built and meant to do; run jump, carry.....FIGHT. So natural if you think about it. But so extremely challenging. AND FUN. I decided to have ocr as my new hobby. Something I do just for fun, without ANY expectations, no need to perform and to not care about time and ranking. For a former elite athlete, a competitive person and high-achiever as I am, it was a challenge to do something and not "care" about the results. And as you know I LOVE challenges. And I also thought it could be really good and important for me and my well-being to do something JUST FOR FUN. So I decided to do it. I have been running 3 Obstacle Race JUST FOR FUN. But now when I see the results afterwards I have to say it is pretty cool..... 🙈I'm so happy. And Thankful. It is hard to believe that my body is capable to do this and actually perform at this level after everything it has been through. But it shows that NOTHING is impossible. I have been fighting, yes. And I am still copeing with pain, and I am nowhere close to where I want to be. And this is probably not the ultimate thing for my neck to do, but it makes me happy... and life is about being happy, right? to see now that all the hard work pays off, is an amazing feeling. I'm thankful, happy and a little bit in shock right now. I DID QUALIFY TO WORLDS TODAY. I never thought I would be able to say this sentence again. I've definitely missed this feeling🙈✨ NEVER GIVE UP PEOPLE. NEVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU WHAT YOU CAN OR CAN NOT DO. #provethemwrong Jumping over an obstacle or jumping on a horse....Same same, but SO different❤️