True friends are hard du find, but when you do they are impossible to forget. One of the toughest things with living on the other side of the World is definitely to be so far away from family and friends. It has been worth it, definitely... Cause I have had the best Year of my life and wouldn't have wanted to miss out of this. But damn, I miss my closest .. . I have been thinking of my best best best friend a bit extra lately... Probably because the places I've been to here in New Zealand have had names that makes me associate with her...FOX glacier, skyline, Esther.QUEENS-town. She understandS me. ❤️ I'm feeling so torned. I want to live in Australia, but I also want to be close to my family/friends. When I moved to Australia I couldn't see myself living in Sweden EVER again. I didn't feel like I was fitting in. I didn't like my lifestyle. I hated the cold and dark weather. I wasn't happy with myself. But I have changed so much during this year... I have learned and grown so much... I have different perspective in life and I prioritize differently. I am so much stronger now.Both mentally and physically. I know what I want and what I need to do to be happy with myself. I have found what I am meant to do : ~ Help inspire and motivate people to live the best life they possibly can. I feel the meaning of my life. I think this shows maturity. I think I have finally realized that if I am healthy and happy with myself and if I am doing what I love.... Then it doesn't really matter where on this planet I am. I am gonna give Sweden a new chance. Living my new life. With my new goals.With a job I love. Being surrounded by people that makes me happy. (And not the ones that steal my energy and push me down..)And also always remember to put time on myself. Health, Happiness and success in life comes with BALANCE. If you are in balance with yourself, the job you have, the people you spend your time with.... Then you have found the KEY to life. I am actually excited to come back to Sweden. Who knows maybe I love it there. Maybe I will move to another country later in my life. Maybe I will end up in Australia, or maybe not. That's the charm of life.., we never know how our life turns out. But for now I'm just super duper excited to start my NEW life as a personal trainer and exercise specialist! #breakitandyouwillmakeit