Finally feeling that I can relax and enjoy every single day, no matter how it turns up. No strict planning, not many "must do", no negative people who steal my energy.... JUST POSITIVENESS I am still struggeling with taking it easy and to feel that it's ok. Because as you probably know by now, I am a high achiever and LOVE having lots on my plate. I know that when I have a routine with a lot to do I'm happy and feel satisfied. But I also know that this is important for me to learn and accept this. It is important to let yourself take it easy sometimes, enjoy life especially after accomplished something huge, which a degree actually is. And just like all of my friends are keep telling me, this is my HOLIDAY that I never got in the middle of my studies. All the students who started in July had more than 2 months off school now in december and january. The ones who started in January (like me) only had a couple of weeks. This fact makes it easier for me to let myself relax and enjoy the time I have now.I know that I should be able to do that anyway, but hey... no one is perfect and this is something I struggle with. But good news!! It actually start to feel AMAZING. I am feeling blessed and spoiled that I am able to be here in Australia and enjoying my last 5 weeks in this beautiful country, without stress and a lot of "must do". I know that I will have more than enough to do soon. And it is not like I am doing nothing. I am still working a bit, I am working with a HUGE project actually which takes a lot of energy. But of course I get these comments. "You are so spoiled, doing nothing". It is so annoying, the fact that people JUDGE so easily... without even knowing. It might look like I am having a relaxing time, doing nothing. But you should just know what I am processing and working with atm. Please think about that in general, DON'T judge someone without knowing. Today I am even more happy than usual and I will tell you why soon! #breakitandyouwillmakeit