I feel like a new person...Hope it stays longer this time, and I hope it will help me sleep better. 😍Yes you guessed it right, I went to a massage appointment to reduce the pain a bit! I forget how wonderful it is to just have pain and not PAIN. This reminds me of how good I use to feel, when my body was strong, free from injuries and I was capable of doing anything. I could train for hours, no doubt.I could push myself harder than anyone else on the trainings, I could control my body and do things I can just dream about doing today. I know I should only be thankful, and I am. But even though I am I can't help that I miss living without chronic pain. I know there are so many people out there who are suffering from pain. And I also know that most of these people don't do anything about it. So I want to encourage you to try. Try to make the best out of it. Make the best out of your situation. I promise you that there are things you can do for yourself and your body to make it feel a little bit better. Try different things that can help you and your body, so you can live with the minimum amount of pain. It might take some time to find what works for you, but when you do find it, you will not regret the time you put on searching. Training and Massage helps me, so much. It is the only time I can completely relax. #breakitandyouwillmakeit