<div>.</div> <div><strong><em>"The body can stand almost anything... it is your mind you have to convince..."</em></strong></div> <div> </div> <div><strong><em>One of my favourite quotes right here... </em></strong></div> <div><strong><em>It is so true. </em></strong></div> <div> </div> <div><strong><em>The body is an amazing machine. </em></strong></div> <div><em>And I am so <strong>fascinated</strong> by how much it can go through and how much we can <strong>push</strong> it, before it let us down. </em></div> <div> </div> <div><strong><em>I see this very often through my work, when I am training my clients. <br /></em></strong><em>I do also see it in the gym during the WOD workouts I do together with my friends in the Crossfit box. </em></div> <div><em>Some people do have stronger mindset than others. That's a fact. </em></div> <div><em><br />It shows so clearly. </em></div> <div><em>Some people stops as soon as something is getting hard, while some people keep pushing through. </em></div> <div><em><span style="color: #404040; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: small;">Everyone of us have different thresholds, both when it comes to physical strenght but also MENTAL strength.</span></em></div> <div> </div> <div><em>This is what decides if people achieve the results they want or if they don't. <br />Cause if you want to get better and stronger, you have to PUSH your body ABOVE your threshold. </em></div> <div><em><span style="color: #404040; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: small;">Every time you do it, your threshold is improving and getting higher = you are able to push your body even more next time, before you feel that your body want to stop. </span></em></div> <div> </div> <div><em>It is just amazing what the body is able to do. </em></div> <div><em>Like I said in the beginning of this post, the body is an AMAZING MACHINE. </em></div> <div><em>And you are the one responsible of how efficient and strong you want YOUR machine to be. </em></div> <div> </div> <div> <div> </div> <div> </div> </div> <div><em>Some people have the mentallity to push their bodies above their threshold, but most people actually DON'T. </em></div> <div><em>In these cases the importance of my job comes in to the picture. </em></div> <div><em>A <strong>personal trainer. </strong></em></div> <div><strong> </strong></div> <div><em>To have a person next to you, with all the knowledge of how and what to train to reach the best results for YOU, a person who gives you the right exercises, a person who can read you, a person who are able to see the difference between giving up mentally or physically, a person who are their by your side to HELP you, SUPPORT you, MOTIVATE you, PUSH you and make you to put in that little extra effort that you wouldn't have done otherwise. </em></div> <div> </div> <div><em>I do LOVE my job. I really do.</em></div> <div><em>My passion is to HELP INSPIRE and MOTIVATE people to become the BEST version of themself. </em></div> <div> </div> <div><em>And I believe exercise is an extremely IMPORTANT factor if you want to achieve that. </em></div> <div> </div> <div><em>Please don't wait, take the step now... contact me or any other PT and start your journey... </em></div> <div><em>The journey of becoming the best you can be. </em></div> <div><em> </em></div> <div> </p> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> <div> </div> <div> </div> </div> </div> <div><em><span style="color: #404040; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: small;">When my clients feel that they just want to stop, I help them to get over that threshold.</span></em></div> <div><em>I am there to support them and push them, so they are able to get better and stronger. </em></div> <div><em>This is so important to be able to do as a PT. it truely makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE in the results....</em><em>more than you think. </em></div> <div> </div> <div><em>#<strong>breakitandyouwillmakeit</strong></em></div> <div><em> </em></div>