Doing nothing at all, is that waste of time? There are so many opportunities and possibilities out there. We are privileged living today....cause we can do almost anything we want. The world is consistantly developing and the possibilities increasing. This fact is something I love, BUT it can also make me super stressed. I want to make the most out of my life, and the time I've got. I want to take care of ALL these possibilites that life is giving me. I am trying my best to live EVERY day to the fullest, cause that's how I want to live my life. But I do also know that it can be overwhelming and stressful. Sometimes we all have to STOP and do nothing. Just relax, reload and fill up the body and mind with new energy. I do really NOT like this fact, it can almost feel like I am wasting my time... BUT I know how important it is. To keep pushing, pushing and pushing and to something ALL the time can BREAK YOU. Finding a balance is the KEY, and it will MAKE YOU. Remember that we are all different and to accept people for who they are, is important. Some people are meant to have a more active life...some people are the best version of themselves when they have a hectic schedule, and some people really need more quiet time. I believe EVERYONE are in need of recovery and doing "nothing at all", but how much and how often is individual. What works best for you, is up to YOU to find out. Some people fill up with new energy by being surrounded by others, while other people are in need of alone time. So is doing nothing at all, waste of time? NO, not if you ask me. Do you agree? @breakitandyouwillmakeit