CROSSFIT OPEN 2017 My first Crossfit Open is over, and no words can explain how happy, proud and thankful I am that I was able to complete this challenge. I am an elite athlete in the past, use to be the Swedish champion doing gymnastics on horses. My competitive soul was happy to finally compete again after 4 tough years. I broke my neck the 11th of February 2013, and it is a miracle that I am still here today. No one knew if I would be able to live an active life again. But to give up was not an option for me and I decided to fight. I fight to get my life back, to be able to inspire and motivate people to never give up. I moved to Australia 1,5 years ago and are now a qualified personal trainer and exercise specialist and are able to work with my passion. It is possible to BREAK IT and MAKE IT.@breakitandyouwillmakeit I hope my journey and the fact that I just completed CrossfitOpen2017 against odds, can inspire someone out there. Ranked nr.1 in Australia and nr.3 in the entire world after 17.2. Snatches during 17.3 was something I'm not suppose to do, so it pushed me down on the leaderboard. I ended up as nr.6 and are super happy with that. The journey I've made makes me feel like a winner anyway. If you want to read more about the different workouts, what it was, how I felt before, during and after, how I was dealing with the emotions and pain, and how much I loved it please read my other blogposts from these 5 weeks: 17.1 17.2 I AM RANKED Nr:1 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.5 2nd try find daily motivation on my instagram : @breakitandyouwillmakeit all the best, and remember to NEVER GIVE UP✨