OMG. I don't know what to say. I am just so EXTREMELY thankful right now. Thankful for the life I am living Thankful that my body is working.Thankful that I had the chance to recover this well.Thankful for the supporting people I have around me.Thankful for the job I am having and the people I'm able to help and inspire. Thankful that life has given me lessons that makes me appreciate EVERY little thing in life. I have done something today for the first time since the accident 4 years ago. I have proved for doctors, people who where doubting and most important for MYSELF and my mind that I CAN!! We can do so much more than we think. Our bodies are AMAZING machines. To be honest, I didn't believe my body would be able to do this anymore. I felt like a beginner when we I first entered the AirJumpingMatts today.... It made me sad, to realize how much skills I've lost.How much more I was able to do before, before my accident. BUT I stopped the self-criticising thoughts pretty fast and instead of being hard on myself and my body I payed attention to how AMAZING it is that I was there. Seriously. 4 years and I was jumping like a crazy child today. After some minutes I felt comfortable and I did so much more than I can realize. I'm amazed. And thankful. The body has a facinating muscle memory. Today am I saying an extra THANK YOU to my BODY. Thank you for recovering and for carrying me through life. Something we all should do EVERY DAY. If you think about it... your body is what's carrying you through life. Without it: you wouldn't be here TAKE CARE OF IT. I did a double today!!!!!! First time since the accident... (Didn't try tripple though...) Watch the video on my instagram😀 @breakitandyouwillmakeit