Find, create and live The lifestyle that makes you the happiest person you can be. If you are happy, your whole life will be better. You will have more Energy, be able to see things from a positive perspective, be healthier (both body and mind!), you will influence and encourage people to do the same, you will be able to help and support others. During this week on this training/relaxing camp I have once again realized how much I love training and how good it makes me feel. If I don't train I have TOO much Energy (and I can be really annoying) I often get headache and the pain in my back and neck gets ten times worse..Training will always have a BIG part of my life, because it helps me to bring out the best version of myself, thanks to the Energy, endorphins and dopamine kicks I get from training. But also the because of the reduced pain, and of course because I love it❤️ What do you love to do? What makes you happy? Try to make it a part of your lifestyle, every day and it will help you to be the best version of yourself✨ #breakitandyouwillmakeit