My day didn't end up as I planned, and now when I'm writing this I'm thinking: Does our life ever turn out the way we planned? I guess it's a beauty of life, that we never know whats going to happen.. It makes life interesting. I agree that this can be REALLY frustrating sometimes.. Especially if you are a control-freak like me, haha! But like I just wrote in my last blog post, it's not worth wasting energy on something you can't control. JUST GO WITH IT. Sometimes we JUST have to live. So when I got to know that my flight to Bali is 5 hours delayed..already on my way to the aiport... I just reacted and said to myself:"Oh that's a shame, but perfect, now I have some extra time to just sit on the airport, relax, drink coffee, eat something tasty, and answering emails and help the ones that are contacting me for my advices and motivation" <3 It is once again a matter of mindset... Do you want to live a POSITIVE LIFE? Then you have to try to see the positive sides in every situation. It is not always easy, but if you do... Your life will be so much better. I promise you, I know what I am talking about. #breakitandyouwillmakeit