Such a good and rewarding day!! Surfing Day today, first time for a long time... The conditions were not the best, It's really windy here on to coast right now and the waves unpredictable. A storm is coming up and with knowing that I didn't really feel like surfing. BUT our surf coach, who are one of the BEST coaches I have ever met, felt that no one of us really wanted to surf in this condition.He changed the whole plan and made us do other things. He wanted me to be the coach today and teach life saving, board resque and paddling technique. We also went to the pool were I went through breathing technique and the strokes with the new students!! All the things that I have been taught this year.So rewarding to take what you have learned into reality and teach someone else! Exactly what I want to do, help, coach, motivate and inspire people!! So even if we didn't surf today, I had such a great day, with my surfing family! Once again, Thanks to my Amazing coach Robbie Sherwell for being so understanding, supporting and encouraging. Still can't believe I am a qualified life saver😃🙈 #breakitandyouwillmakeit