First day for so long that I woke up and felt ENERGIZED!! What a wonderful feeling! I had almost forgot how it is to wake up with energy and no headache.. My trip back home to Sweden took more energy than I had expected.. So emotional, in a GOOD way! But an energy-thief... It was AMAZING to see all of my friends and family. A week when my feelings went up and down. I was so HAPPY to be back, sad that I missed out of things in Australia, excited to surprise everyone and also excited to go back to Australia and get back to TAFE, annoyed that I needed to leave everyone AGAIN, much frustration (that Australia is so far away from Sweden)... Let's say I was emotionally overwhelmed. A flight 31 hours and to be on the go for almost 40 hours on top on that, was a bit much haha! So consistently headache since I got back has been a fact. BUT not anymore!! I'm back!Energized HappyMotivatedExcitedAnd POSITIVE!! Time to promote myself as a PT , my business and TAFE at a BIG event today. LIFE IS A GIFT The time is ticking ~ make the most out of it! #breakitandyouwillmakeit