When people Around you are depressed or having a tough period of their life it can be hard to know how to be, what to say and what to do...You often feel helpless. I want everyone to be happy, and one of my biggest wills is to help people to feel better and live a happier life... When people around me are unwell I get very emotional affected. Because I care.I feel so sorry for them and just wish I could make everything good. What's important to remember when people Around you are unwell is to make sure you are not getting dragged down into it. STAY STRONG! Be there as a support and friend of course. But stay strong. Tell your friends you are there for them if they need you. Show them how much they mean to you. One thing NOT to do, is to ask How they are feeling too often. It can make it worse. Of course you wonder.and sometimes It's good to ask.But The question:"How are you?" Is actually one of The worst questions u can get if your not feeling well. And obviously, if Someone's depressed they are not feeling well, so you already know the answer. Support your friends and family. Give positive Energy and love, but don't let it affect you too much... It is hard. #breakitandyouwillmakeit