What a weekend. Time-out. No internet, no reception no phones or computers.Just me, my friends, the beach, the sun and the ocean. LIVING THE DREAM I'm so used to be using my phone, so used to be reachable, so used to answer messages and phone calls, so used to look at/share things on social media. I like all that, but sometimes it gets too much. We get too obsessed and addicted to our phones and social media. Sometimes It's important to STOP. Enjoy the moment Insteadof showing everyone else how wonderful your life is with posting photos. Live here and now. I use social media and share photos because I want to encourage people. I want to show that life can be really tough but also how amazing it can be. I want to motivate and inspire. Live your life to the fullest. Live here and now. Breathe relax and enjoy. Take a time-out from everything and it will open up your eyes. Take away your phones and cameras and live through your own eyes. Thanks for this wonderful weekend.I will always remember it. #breakitandyouwillmakeit