What is going on?! I don't know if I should laugh or cry. It's actually quite funny... I thought it was time for some easy/good time, without problems, pain, sickness and doctors appointments.. But I guess I was wrong. Haha! I'm back here.. at the hospital. But I stay POSITIVE, always! It could be worse and I see this as another life-experience!! Challenges in life is what makes us stronger. We grow and learn from it and it makes us see life from different perspectives, I'm so thankful for my life. So indescribably thankful. Thankful that I can move, talk, hear and.... See... Well, I don't see that good right now but I was lucky and will be okay! what am I talking about? so, I went camping last weekend and something from the fire came into my eyes... And I seriously couldn't see anything for a while. It was so scary. And painful. When I couldn't see anything I directly felt sorry for the people who live their life blind... My sight came slowly back but was still blurry. Yesterday my eyes were painful, red and irritated, but I just ignored it (like I always do, just push through) and last night my sight almost disappeared again. I needed to go to hospital and...yep I have damaged my eyes. I will be needed to have glasses from now on and I have eye-inflammation on top of that! Seriously what is going on?😂 Challenges makes us stronger. When I met my friends at school wearing sunglasses and saying "it could be worse, now I am 1 experience wiser" ...they asked HOW can you ALWAYS see everything POSITIVE?! Positive mind ~ Positive life✨ STAY POSITIVE!! #breakitandyouwillmakeit