. L I S T E N . T O . Y O U R . B O D Y. Listen to your bodyOne of the hardest thing I know. I find it so extremely boring.I hate the fact that my body actually have to rest sometimes. I just hate it. It is all about acceptance. And I am working on it every week. It is getting better and I can now actually enjoy my recovery days. Not all the time.. but then I just think about all the advantages I get out of that recovery. I give my body a chance to fill up with energy, I will have more energy for the following days, I will get more out of my training, and I will be able to be that happy, positive, excited, hyper energetic person I truly are. Recovery and taking care of our body is the most important thing we can do. We only get one body, so please make sure you take care of it! #breakitandyouwillmakeit