D R E A M I N G Sometimes I wish we could go back in time, or at least go back to situations or periods of our lifes and experience them again. I am pretty sure all of you have memories that means a lot. Maybe memories of when you where happier than ever, when you laughed so much that you lost your breath, memories of when you saw places you couldn't realize actually exist. Memories of being with someone you love and having the feeling of being the luckiest person in the whole wide world. Memories that you would love to experience again... Today I'm looking back to one of the best trips I have experienced. I'm dreaming of the wonderful week I got together with the person that means the most to me. I'm thankful. So indescribably thankful. So, We are maybe not able to go back in time, BUT Memories last foreverand that can noone ever take away from us. Life is pretty damn good. #breakitandyouwillmakeit