How do you summarize the best year of your life (so far)?! Is it even possible? I'll try. But it will be nowhere close to the reality. To follow my dream and move to Australia and study Sport Development at TAFE is definitely the best decision I ever made. It was something I always wanted to do. But after my accident 3,5 years ago I was more or less told that it wouldn't be possible. "Would I be able to run and train again?" For a swedish champion and training freak like me this was a nightmare. My sport, training and being active was my life and had always been. I couldn't see myself living an unactive and limited life. For me there where no limits and had never been. If I wanted to achieve something I worked hard until I reached it. I am and was stubborn and didn't listen to the doctors. I had broken my neck, yes....but I was willing to fight to get my active life back. I knew deep inside that I would make it. The doctors advice was (if any sport) to start with chess. But NO, not an option for me. Haha! ✨ I didn't only do this Journey for myself. I did it for everyone around me aswell. I have always been a person who LOVE helping and supporting others and I saw my condition as a chance to show people that "nothing is impossible". I wanted to inspire, motivate and help people to believe in themself and never give Up. I wanted to show that it is possible to break something no matter what, and still make it. With saying that not only BREAKING bones like I did, also breaking bad habits.... Life can be a nightmare but it can also be absolutely amazing. It is nothing we get for free. We have to Work hard for it. And it is so worth it. I did it, which means EVERYONE CAN. And that's what I want to show people. What also motivated me was to prove people wrong. (Especially the doctors and other people doubting...) "Don't let ANYTHING or anyone tell you what you can or can not do... You are the one knowing your body. It's a matter of mindset and drive..."---- Life is a rollercoaster and definitely an unpredictable Journey. But I believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Even if it feels hard and unfair when you are in it, it always bring something good. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"--- So I did recover way better than anyone thought, but I couldn't train on the same level as before so I decided to help others instead. ---When I found the program Diploma of Sport Development (fitness and personal training) in Australia I just knew it was for me. -That's what I was meant to do.- The fact that my passion is to inspire, motivate and help made it so clear.THIS EDUCATION WAS FOR ME. - When I told people about my decision, so many were doubting. They tried to tell me NOT to do it. People were judging and gave me the advice to do something completely different, that didn't include training or nutrition. But that just made me even more sure I should do it. No words can explain how thankful I am that I followed my dream. I am so thankful I got this opportunity. Thankful for the support I got from my family and friends. I knew I did the right thing. But to get the confirmation with the DIPLOMA I now have in my hand is just amazing. To overcome things people were doubting you could do, is just an AWESOME feeling. I DID IT!!! 2 days ago I graduated from Diploma of Sport Development at Tafe East Coast. I'm finally a personal trainer and Exercise specialist and are able to help inspire and motivate people to fight towards their goals, to achieve their dreams, become the best version of themself and live the best life they possible can. Being active, eating healthy and finding a balance are extremely important if you want to LIVE your life, and not just be here.. You are the one that have to be willing to change and BREAK your bad habits, but I am here with the tools and knowledge to help you MAKE IT. Okay this blog post ended up different than I was thinking... But I promise you that next blog post will be more about the year, what we have been through at TAFE and how my days on the Sunshine Coast have been. Stay tuned! LOTS OF LOVE E