Did my body just do that?! I'm keep getting impressed of how our bodies and mind are working. I seriously can't believe I just did that workout. So much fun to be in the Crossfit Box, working together as a team. Pushing and supporting each other... I love the atmosphere. The fighting spirit. And of course the competitive side to finish everything on time. ~ I am and will always be a competitive person. I don't want to change that. It has taken me so far. Not only in my sport, I mean in life in general. Without my driving force I wouldn't be here today. ❤️ I'm forever thankful I kept fighting my way through it all. And that's what I encourage you to do too... The thought of not be here and experience everything I do, to not be able to see or talk to all the beautiful people I have in my life.. To not be alive.. It makes me appreciate everything I have even more. I can't even describe with words how thankful I am for my life. I feel like the luckiest person in the world. Have a beautiful day everyone☀️ #breakitandyouwillmakeit