... or wake up and chase your dreams... The choice is yours!! I always get up early, because I want to take care of the day and make the most out of it. Normally I start my days with some type of exercise, because I love it and it's good for my body and mind before going to school, where we have started to be very INactive... It's a bit sad actually. First semester was much more practical... Right now we have a lot of theory, research and computer work.. Well I still love it, but I miss the rule our teacher had when we started : "You are not allowed to sit longer than 30 minutes before you have to get up and do something active!" I'm pretty sure it will be better again as soon as we get started with all of our clients. Today I got up early as always, but because I'm sick = no training. So a long nice breakfast and some reading!! Please say I'm feeling better tomorrow.. Off to school!! Have a god day :)