I'm so tired of feeling odd.Or actually, not really... I want to be odd and different, I'm just tired of that other people makes me feel that I'm not fitting in because of that. I know I'm a bit different...people are telling me all the time.I know I have a lot of ENERGY, and yes, sometimes It can be too much.. But I'm just trying to be happy and always see the positive lights in life even when everything feels dark. I'm trying to spread love and happiness around me.. ~My question to the people that are give judging looks, that shows they are irritated or annoyed... You that makes the ones that are different feel like it is something wrong with them... Why? isn't it okay to be odd? Everyone is different and should be accepted for the ones they are. Why make them feel that they need to change? ~To the ones that ever felt something wrong with you, beacause you are a bit different.. STOP. It is OKAY to be different. And hey, do you really want to be like everyone else?! 😏Booooring. "I'm not here to be average, I'm here to be AWESOME✨ " #breakitandyouwillmakeit