I really love taking photos. Pictures says more than words ever can...But unfortunately, photos are not even close to the reality. I am trying to take lots of photos here in Australia and share with my friends and family back home. All the places here are so beautiful and I really want them to be a part of it. Some places are so beautiful it is hard to realize it's for real. It actually feels like I am living in a dream sometimes. Here's some photos from when we went to Noosa during the Easter break... Isn't beautiful? <3 My bestie and I <3 LOVE Playing on he beach Once a gymnast, always a gymnast... right? I am so thankful for all the beautiful people I have in my life!! You are just the best. Lots of love <3 #breakitandyouwillmakeit Photos from my awesome friend Vic, check out here inspiring blog:http://www.activevic.se