<div><span>I want to thank everyone for this weekend.</span></div> <div><span>I want to thank everyone who makes me feel as involved.</span></div> <div><span><strong><em>Thank you</em></strong> for letting me be a part of this world even though I am not longer able to vault. </span></div> <div><span>It means more than you think.</span></div> <div><span> </span></div> <div><span>After my accident, when I realized that I'm not allowed to continue as active, it was not just the sadness and longing to be on the horse which was the worst. But also the thought of losing everything around. All competitions, traveling and all the wonderful people.</span></div> <div> </div> <div><span>That I am still part of "The <strong><em>vaultingfamily</em></strong>" after e</span>verything that have happened<span> means so much to me.</span></div> <div><span>I love this sport and will always do.</span></div> <div><span>Obviously, I want nothing more than enter the arena myself, feel the atmosphere and perform.</span></div> <div> </div> <div><span>But we can't always get everything we want in our lifes. </span></div> <div><span>I was lucky that I got to keep my <em><strong>life</strong></em> and I am so indescribably thankful for that.</span></div> <div><span> </span></div> <div><span>I'm still a part of the sport, but in a different way❤️</span></div> <div> </div> <div><span>Thanks again to all the wonderful friends for a fantastic weekend.</span></div> <div><span>Thanks for the great vaulting and above all thank you for your love.</span></div> <div> </div> <div><span>I also want to congratulate all the vaulters, horses, lungers, coaches, parents and supporters for the successfull performances and results.</span></div> <div><span>Also thanks to the organizers, judges and KNHS for a good implemented championship.</span></div> <div><span> </span></div> <div><span>I can't wait to see you all again❤️</span></div> <div>Lots of love </div> <div> </div> <div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div>#breakitandyouwillmakeit</div> </div> <div> </div>